Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Strategic fit for new and improved infrastructure for local roads


This page relates to the 2012-15 NLTP only.


For the latest information, please see the Assessment Framework for the 2015-18 NLTP.


This section sets out the guidance on assessing strategic fit for activities within the new and improved infrastructure for local roads activity class.


The new and improved infrastructure for local roads activity class includes:

  • Work category 321 – New traffic management facilities
  • Work category 322 – Replacement of bridges and structures
  • Work category 323 – New roads
  • Work category 324 – Road improvements
  • Work category 325 – Seal extension
  • Work category 332 – Property purchase – local roads
  • Work category 333 – Advance property purchase
  • Work category 341 – Minor improvements


Default strategic fit

By default, the strategic fit rating for new and improved infrastructure for local roads is low.


Requirements for medium rating

A medium strategic fit rating may be given if the project meets one or more of the following:

  • Potential for regionally significant improvements for key routes identified using a local road classification system in one or more of:
    • Journey time reliability
    • Easing of congestion in main urban areas
    • More efficient freight supply chains
    • Relieving capacity constraints
  • Provides a secure and resilient transport network to ensure national and regional connectivity for economic growth and productivity 
  • Potential for a significant reduction in the predicted crash risk involving deaths and serious injuries in accordance with the Safer Journeys strategy


Requirements for high rating

A road improvement project must only be given a high strategic fit rating if it meets one or more of the following:

  • Local roads and/or services identified by the NZTA as critical to the operation of a RoNS
  • Potential for a nationally significant contribution to economic growth and productivity using a local road classification system which identifies:
    • Key freight routes including designated routes for High Productivity Motor Vehicles (HPMV), or
    • Key tourism routes, or
    • Key routes critical for maximising access to significant markets, areas of employment or economic growth
    through significant improvements in one or more of:  
    • Journey time reliability
    • Easing of severe congestion in major urban areas 
    • Relieving capacity constraints
    • More efficient freight supply chains
    • A secure and resilient transport network
  • Potential to significantly reduce the predicted crash risk involving deaths and serious injuries in line with the Safer Journeys strategy:

Last Updated: 03/08/2020 8:58am