Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Identify need to vary programme and discuss with NZTA (Planning & Investment)



If Approved Organisations (AOs) and the NZTA (State Highways) identify the need to vary their programmes, they need to check whether prior variation of the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. ) is required.


They may find it useful to discuss this requirement with their NZTA (Planning & Investment) representative.



A summary of situations where prior variation of the RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. is not required is set out in the Unlisted Activities and Programme Variations Overview.


Last Updated: 04/11/2015 12:24pm