Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Decide to apply for a higher funding allocation


If insufficient minor improvements provision is left in the current year, Approved Organisations and the NZTA (state highways) may decide to apply for a higher minor improvements funding allocation than currently provided in the National Land Transport Programme Interrelated and complementary combination of activities that, when delivered in a coordinated manner, produce synergies – can span more than one work category and more than one activity class, e.g. a programme could include a road improvement and public transport improvement activities. (NLTP A National Land Transport Programme Interrelated and complementary combination of activities that, when delivered in a coordinated manner, produce synergies – can span more than one work category and more than one activity class, e.g. a programme could include a road improvement and public transport improvement activities. adopted by the NZTA under section 19 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied ).


Approach NZTA Representative to get overview of funding situation and probability of a successful application.


Last Updated: 28/03/2012 11:42am