Review Investment Assessment Framework
The Transport Agency's Investment Assessment Framework (IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. ) is updated as required to respond to:
- Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS A Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding issued under section 86 of the LTMA ) reviews
- government directives
- stakeholder submissions
- reviews and updates of strategic direction in the Transport Agency's Statement of Intent
- improvement and clarification as a result of operational experience in using the framework.
This section describes the process for reviewing the IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. .
Review IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. process
Steps in process
The key steps in the process are: - The need for a potential change in the IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. is identified. It may be triggered by a review of the GPS A Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding issued under section 86 of the LTMA , a change in the Transport Agency's strategic direction, a government directive, stakeholder submissions or operational improvements or clarification.
- The Transport Agency's Strategy, Communications and Performance group (SCP) reviews the IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. and takes the changed IAF to the Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. or the appropriate Transport Agency decision maker with delegated authority to approve the change. The decision as to whether the Board should approve the change is based on the Transport Agency's Significance Policy.
- The Transport Agency Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. /decision maker either approves the draft IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. for engagement or requires a redraft.
- If approved, SCP engages the draft IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. with relevant stakeholders. The nature of engagement and the stakeholders engaged depend on the scale and impact of any proposed change. For example, a simple change to improve the operational application of the IAF may only require engagement with planning and investment staff within the Transport Agency. A major change that would affect most Approved Organisations would be engaged more widely, perhaps through a formal consultation process.
- Relevant stakeholders provide feedback to the proposed change. The way feedback is invited depends on the scale and impact of the change, and may range from discussion at a Transport Agency staff meeting to formal, written submissions from Approved Organisations and/or sector groups.
- The feedback is considered by the Transport Agency and the IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. updated as required. It is then taken to the Transport Agency Senior Leadership Team (SLT) or a peer review group, depending on the significance of the change.
- SLT or the peer review group provide their feedback on the draft as well as guidance for drafting of the subsequent Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. paper or memo to the decision maker.
- SCP staff prepare the Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. paper, or memo for the decision maker, and, together with the IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. , submit this for approval.
- The Transport Agency Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. /decision maker either approves the IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. or requires a redraft.
- SCP finalises the IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. , which may involve minor grammar or wording changes to make it ready for communication.
- Transport Agency (planning & investment) national office staff update and publish the IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. page in the Planning & Investment Knowledge Base.
- The final IAF The NZTA framework which identifies the investment priorities and expectations for project assessment. The IAF interprets the strategic priorities and impacts of the government identified in the current Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding. is communicated to Approved Organisations, Transport Agency staff and others in the sector as required. The communications channels employed will depend on the magnitude and impact of the change, and may involve:
- an email to Transport Agency staff for a minor change
- a P&I Knowledge Base alert to registered users for a change with limited impact
- a general circular to a wider audience of stakeholders where the change is more significant, plus a Knowledge Base alert
- all of the above plus presentations to and discussions with interested sector groups.
Last Updated: 05/12/2014 5:02pm