Changes in Investment Policies
This section provides information about how the Transport Agency reviews and/or updates investment policies in response to policy changes or operational experience.
Overview information
This process takes place when changes to Transport Agency investment policies are being considered. This is done :
- before a directive or policy change is issued, and
- when stakeholder and the Transport Agency's operational experience with existing policies suggests changes.
The policy level, statutory requirements, impact and significance of any potential change is assessed by the Transport Agency to determine the type of process to use when updating the investment policy.
When the Transport Agency proposes a change in policy it:
- consults when there is an opportunity to influence the changes, e.g. changes to work categories;
- engages when aspects of the delivery can be modified, e.g. changes to information provision, deadlines or content, or;
- communicates if the decision has been made, i.e. it is a procedural update.
Consultation process
Steps in consultation process
The key steps in the process are: - The need for a potential change in policy is identified. It may be triggered by a review of the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport, a change in the Transport Agency's strategic direction, a government directive, stakeholder submissions or operational improvements or clarification.
- The Transport Agency's Strategy, Communications and Performance group (SCP) documents the issues and reasons for change, and then decides whether to proceed with the change.
- SCP considers the significance of the change in terms of the Transport agency's Significance Policy and decides whether to consult, engage or communicate the policy change.
- If the proposed change is significant and requires consultation, SCP prepares the Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. paper and consultation document and sends this to the relevant Group Manager. It is highly likely that the Senior Leadership Team will be requested to provide feedback on the document as well.
- The Group Manager/SLT provides feedback aimed at improving the Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. paper and consultation document.
- SCP finalises the Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. paper and draft consultation document and submits these to the Board.
- The Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. reviews the paper and considers whether to endorse the document for public consultation. It may require some redrafting of the document or more evidence to be provided before it does endorse it for consultation.
- SCP finalises the consultation document and distributes this to relevant stakeholders. The range of stakeholders that are consulted depends on the significance of the proposed change. A fundamental policy change that impacts transport systems users may be consulted widely, providing the opportunity for members of the general public to provide feedback. Guidance on policy consultation and communication is provided at this link.
- Stakeholders consider the proposed change and provide the Transport Agency with written submissions stating their support, opposition or issues.
- SCP staff review and summarise the submissions, which, in most cases, are published on the Transport Agency's website. SCP prepares a Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. paper containing recommendations for the proposed change. These may differ from the original recommendations, based on the feedback contained in submissions. The paper is sent to the relevant Group Manager for support.
- The Group Manager reviews the paper and decides whether to support the recommendations for the policy change. There may be a requirement to redraft the paper and recommendations before support is provided.
- The Transport Agency Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. reviews the paper and considers whether to agree with its recommendations.
- If approved, SCP communicates the policy change with relevant stakeholders. Generally, significant investment policy changes will be communicated via a general circular.
- The Planning & Investment Knowledge Base will be updated to reflect the policy change, if required.
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Engagement process
Steps in engagement process
The key steps in the process are: - The need for a potential change in policy is identified. It may be triggered by a review of the GPS A Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding issued under section 86 of the LTMA , a change in the Transport Agency's strategic direction, a government directive, stakeholder submissions or operational improvements or clarification.
- The Transport Agency's Strategy, Communications and Performance group (SCP) documents the issues and reasons for change, and then decides whether to proceed with the change.
- SCP considers the significance of the change in terms of the Transport agency's Significance Policy and decides whether to consult, engage or communicate the policy change.
- If the proposed change is requires engagement, SCP prepares the engagement document and sends this to the relevant Group Manager. The Senior Leadership Team may be requested to provide feedback on the document as well.
- The Group Manager/SLT provides feedback aimed at improving the engagement document.
- SCP finalises the engagement document and distributes this to relevant stakeholders. The range of stakeholders that are engaged depends on the significance of the proposed change. Guidance on policy consultation and communication is provided at this link.
- Stakeholders consider the proposed change and provide the Transport Agency with feedback, which may vary from verbal responses at a workshop to emailed and written submissions.
- SCP staff review and summarise the submissions and feedback. Emailed and written submissions may be published on the Transport Agency's website. SCP prepares a memo recommending the proposed change. These may differ from the original recommendation, based on the feedback received. The paper is sent to the relevant Group Manager for approval.
- The Group Manager reviews the paper and decides whether to agree with its recommendations.
- If approved, SCP communicates the policy change with relevant stakeholders. Generally, more significant investment policy changes will be communicated via a general circular.
- The Planning & Investment Knowledge Base will be updated to reflect the policy change, if required.
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Communication process
Steps in communication process
The key steps in the process are: - The need for a potential change in policy is identified. It may be triggered by a review of the GPS A Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding issued under section 86 of the LTMA , a change in the Transport Agency's strategic direction, a government directive, stakeholder submissions or operational improvements or clarification.
- The Transport Agency's Strategy, Communications and Performance group (SCP) documents the issues and reasons for change, and then decides whether to proceed with the change.
- SCP considers the significance of the change in terms of the Transport agency's Significance Policy and decides whether to consult, engage or communicate the policy change.
- If the proposed change requires only communication of a procedural update, SCP prepares the communication document and sends this to the relevant Group Manager. The Senior Leadership Team may be requested to provide feedback on the document as well.
- The Group Manager/SLT provides feedback aimed at improving the document.
- SCP finalises the communication document and distributes this to relevant stakeholders. The range of stakeholders communicated depends on the significance of the proposed change. Guidance on policy consultation and communication is provided at this link.
- The Planning & Investment Knowledge Base will be updated to reflect the policy change, if required.
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Last Updated: 03/11/2015 8:58pm