Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

NZTA Planning and Investment principles - Overview


This section lists the principles the Transport Agency will apply to its planning and investment decisions. These are drawn from the Transport Agency’s four key functional strategies.  Taken together, these provide a foundation for the Transport Agency and its partners to work toward developing transport solutions that give effect to the impacts sought under the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding (GPS A Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding issued under section 86 of the LTMA ).


Planning and Investment principles
1.  A partnership approach to planning and investment

The Transport Agency aims to adopt a partnership approach, founded on trust, clarity and accountability, in its planning and investment decision making.

Guidance on A partnership approach to planning and investment is provided at this link.


2.  Progressive development of a robust, evidence based investment case

The Transport Agency has adopted the business case approach to support planning & investments for outcomes and ensure early stakeholder collaboration.

The process gives Transport Agency(planning & investment) an early view of transport proposals including their affordability, and providing stakeholders with investment confidence.


3.  An integrated approach to land use and transport planning

The Transport Agency expects an integrated approach to land use and transport planning will be used to optimise existing and new investments in the transport network, support economic growth and productively and improve the quality of life in cities and towns.

Guidance on An integrated approach to land use and transport planning is provided at this link.


4  Optimise the provision and use of the land transport network

The Transport Agency aims to invest with its partners in an optimised, integrated, multi modal transport network that targets the areas of greatest need and provides best value for money Selecting the right things to do, implementing them in the right way, at the right time and for the right price. .

Guidance on Optimise the provision and use of the land transport network is provided at this link.


5.  Affordable and achieves value for money Selecting the right things to do, implementing them in the right way, at the right time and for the right price.

The Transport Agency aims to allocate funds to land transport activities (studies, strategies, programmes, packages and projects) that will deliver the right outcomes, at the right time and at the right cost.

Guidance on Affordable and achieves value for money is provided at this link.


6.  A safe system approach

The Transport Agency expects that its investment partners and the NZTA (state highways) will adopt the Safe System approach to planning, improving, maintaining, renewing and operating their components of the land transport system.

Guidance on A safe system approach is provided at this link.


7.  Working in a socially and environmentally responsible manner

The Transport Agency aims to make land transport investments that improve community wellbeing overall and avoid or mitigate the adverse environmental effects of transport.

Guidance on Working in a socially and environmentally responsible manner is provided at this link.


8.  A risk based approach

The Transport Agency will tailor its engagement approach with its investment partners based on its investment risk.

Guidance on A risk based approach is provided at this link.


9  Those who benefit from transport investment should pay

The Transport Agency’s investments are intended to benefit the land transport system users that provide the revenue into the National Land Transport Fund.

Guidance on Those who benefit from transport investment should pay is provided at this link.



Last Updated: 01/09/2017 3:56pm