Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

A collaborative approach to planning and investment


The development, operation and maintenance of the land transport network is a shared responsibility between the NZ Transport Agency (the Agency) and:

  • central and local government
  • Approved Organisations
  • other investors, and
  • community stakeholders.

It is a relationship founded on trust, clarity and accountability.  As an investor and manager, and operator of the state highway network, the Agency will adopt a collaborative approach to planning and investment in the land transport network.


A collaborative approach

The Agency expects planning processes to provide an effective and collaborative forum for those affected by the outcome to engage in the development of strategy led solutions that address national and, where aligned, regional and local priorities. Participants will depend on the particular circumstance, but could include, as appropriate, the Agency, Approved Organisations, central government agencies and business and community interests.


Aligning national regional and local priorities

The Agency will use its knowledge and expertise to work with its investment partners and stakeholders to translate national priorities into the local and regional context. Our goal (where possible) is to align regional and local investments with the Agency’s national priorities to optimise our shared investment and deliver whole of network benefits.


Adaptable and fit for purpose

Future events or a change in circumstances may require adjustments to an agreed strategy or business case. The Agency expects that planning and investment processes with its investment partners and stakeholders will respond to change and provide a forum to reach agreement on any change required in the agreed strategy or business case.


Developing sector capability and sharing good practice

Adopting an integrated and collaborative planning approach requires  development of skills, evidence and ways of working. As an organisation, the Agency aims to build its own capability to apply a multi-disciplinary approach to planning and investment in the land transport network.


As a national organisation, the Agency aims to share good practice with our partners and stakeholders across the sector. We will also participate in international forums where that contributes to improving sector performance.


Last Updated: 04/11/2015 8:08pm