Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Submit regional list of activities (Regional Ten Year Plan)


Each of the sixteen NZTA (state highways) sub-regions is required to produce and submit to national office its own prioritised ‘Regional Ten Year Plan’.


The regional teams develop feasibility reports and identify and prioritise potential activities along with previously identified activities.


The regional prioritisation process is informed by the NZTA’s Assessment Framework and early investment signals from the NZTA (planning and investment).


A regional plan must be submitted under the following categories:

  • large projects (>$5M)
  • small projects (<$5M) – including passing lane An additional lane on a road to allow one to overtake vehicles travelling in the same direction. projects and stock effluent disposal facilities
  • walking & cycling projects
  • urban network and rural corridor studies
  • operations, maintenance and renewals.

Last Updated: 19/06/2012 12:45pm