Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Other Acts

These are other legal acts which may impact decisions on land use and transport planning


Local Government (Auckland Council) Amendment Act (2010)

The Local Government (Auckland Council) Amendment Act (2010) was passed in response to the particular characteristics and growth pressures in the Auckland region.  The Act sets out the roles and responsibilities of the two tiers of the Auckland Council and the creation of Auckland Transport.


The NZTA, as a member of Regional Land Transport Committees, contributes to the preparation of Regional Land Transport Strategies for approval by Regional Councils. In addition, other Parts have been added to the Act by subsequent amendments, such as provisions relating to transport services licensing, work time and logbooks, and motor vehicle registration and licensing. 


Government Roading Powers Act (1989)

The Government Roading Powers Act (1989) provides the necessary powers for the NZTA and Ministers to build, maintain and manage roads. This Act outlines the powers and duties of Ministers, the NZTA and other road controlling authorities


Road User Charges Act (2012)

The Road User Charges Act (2012) imposes charges for road use by heavy and other vehicles, such as diesel powered vehicles.



Railway Act (2005)

The Railway Act (2005) sets out the requirements for the licensing of rail operations in New Zealand. It covers monorails, and both light and heavy railways. It also includes basic safety obligations of operators and the general public when near a railway, as well as the powers the railway operators have to protect and manage the railway corridor. 


Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (2000)

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (2000) provides the legislative basis for promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in New Zealand. 


Last Updated: 17/03/2014 12:39pm