Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

RTC develops/updates draft RLTP and assesses against LTMA - overview



The Regional Transport Committee (RTC A regional transport committee established under section 105 or clause 11 of schedule 7 of the LTMA. ) develops its draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. ) and updates it as required in response to inputs and amendments from Approved Organisations and the NZTA (state highways) following the RTC’s reviews of completeness and eligibility.


Form and content of RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. document

The NZTA will write to RTCs setting out the required form and content of the RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. . In brief, it will require that the RLTP document has the following form and content:

  • a summary section that should be a free-standing, illustrated short summary in leaflet style for public distribution, and
  • the main document that, in addition to standard title, coverage and introduction, demonstrates that the RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. satisfies each of the legislative requirements under the Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA The Land Transport Management Act 2003, as amended from time to time. ), in particular sections 14 and 16. Refer to Overview information in the RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. development process for the links to the relevant sections of the Land Transport Management Act (LTMA The Land Transport Management Act 2003, as amended from time to time. ).


Assessment of RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied.

The RTC A regional transport committee established under section 105 or clause 11 of schedule 7 of the LTMA. /Auckland Transport is required to assess its RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. under section 16 of the LTMA The Land Transport Management Act 2003, as amended from time to time. .

  • Form and content of RLTPs– s.16
  • Form and content of Auckland Transport’s RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. – s.17 – (repealed in Land Transport Management Amendment Act 2013).

Last Updated: 19/03/2014 3:58pm