Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Review NLTP timeframes and decide to endorse - overview



The NZTA Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. reviews the recommended National Land Transport Programme Interrelated and complementary combination of activities that, when delivered in a coordinated manner, produce synergies – can span more than one work category and more than one activity class, e.g. a programme could include a road improvement and public transport improvement activities. (NLTP A National Land Transport Programme Interrelated and complementary combination of activities that, when delivered in a coordinated manner, produce synergies – can span more than one work category and more than one activity class, e.g. a programme could include a road improvement and public transport improvement activities. adopted by the NZTA under section 19 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied ) timeframes and decides whether to endorse them. If not, they are then sent back to the NZTA Investment Framework Manager to revise.


Last Updated: 09/07/2012 11:33am