Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Operational Policy for the application of Targeted Enhanced Rates



This section provides criteria and guidance to assist Approved Organisations and the Transport Agency in using the Transport Agency’s Operational Policy for the application of Targeted Enhanced Rates.



Targeted enhanced rates are time limited, specified funding assistance rates (FARs) that are higher than normal FARs and applied in exceptional circumstances and time limited periods to either:

  • facilitate an activity that is particularly important from a national land transport perspective, where it is highly likely that it would not proceed within an appropriate timeframe if additional funding assistance was not provided; or
  • give a kick start to encourage and enable an approved organisation to make a step change.


Any targeted enhanced rate shall cease after a predetermined date, unless there is clear justification that is consistent with the original criteria to extend its application.


Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. approval of targeted enhanced rates required

The  Transport Agency Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. has reserved the power to approve changes to funding assistance rates (FARs) to itself, including the power to approve bespoke arrangements involving targeted enhanced rates. In other words, there is no delegation to staff or Approved Organisations to approve targeted enhanced rates.


Criteria to apply in considering use of targeted enhanced rates

Where an opportunity arises to achieve a tactical step change that addresses the Transport Agency’s priorities, and in deciding whether or not to use a targeted enhanced funding assistance rate to deliver the step change, the Transport Agency must be satisfied that the following criteria are met:

  1. The outcomes intended to be achieved by the proposed targeted enhanced rate align with the results identified in the current GPS A Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding issued under section 86 of the LTMA .
  2. The intended outcomes address an exceptional, unforeseen and immediate need that will deliver the Transport Agency's priorities as a step change ahead of normal funding capability in the short term.
  3. Use of the targeted enhanced rate achieves value for money Selecting the right things to do, implementing them in the right way, at the right time and for the right price. when assessed incrementally under the Transport Agency's investment assessment framework.
  4. The Approved Organisations will be able to deliver the outcomes sought from the application of the targeted enhanced rates.
  5. There is sufficient headroom within the GPS A Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding issued under section 86 of the LTMA funding range for the relevant activity class and sufficient funding in the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF The fund established under section 10 of the LTMA ) to enable funding to be made available for use of the targeted enhanced rate.
  6. There is evidence that Approved Organisations would have material difficulty in finding the local share of the costs of the activity within an appropriate timeframe through application of normal FARs.
  7. The relevant Approved Organisations have sufficient capability to use the targeted rate to achieve the intended outcomes or can be provided with sufficient guidance to do so.
  8. The Approved Organisations will be able to find the local share to maintain the new or improved infrastructure or level of service the targeted rate would be seeking to achieve once the targeted rate ceases.
  9. The outcomes intended to be achieved by the targeted enhanced rates can be clearly identified and monitored.


Guidance for setting the targeted enhanced rate

Targeted enhanced rates are set on a case by case basis and do not set a precedence for subsequent proposals. Some considerations to take into account in setting a targeted enhanced rate are:

  • it should be set so that the investment of the additional NLTF The fund established under section 10 of the LTMA funds to support the enhanced rate achieves value for money Selecting the right things to do, implementing them in the right way, at the right time and for the right price. when assessed incrementally under the Transport Agency's framework
  • it should be positioned sufficiently above the normal FARs of the relevant Approved Organisations to incentivise delivery of targeted outcomes in the specified timeframe
  • it should reflect the Transport Agency's requirement to achieve value for money Selecting the right things to do, implementing them in the right way, at the right time and for the right price. and be sufficient without being generous
  • it should ensure that Approved Organisations continue to have a reasonable share of the ownership and risk in the costs of delivering their activities.


Business case to be developed

Any proposal to use targeted enhanced rates requires the development of a business case that:

  • sets out the purpose of and outcomes intended from the proposal
  • describes the options considered, the preferred option and the process undertaken to select the preferred option
  • demonstrates how well each of the seven criteria is met
  • provides evidence that the proposal represents value for money Selecting the right things to do, implementing them in the right way, at the right time and for the right price. and that the guidance above for setting the rate has been taken into account


Engagement and review

The Transport Agency will:

  • consider whether to carry out general or targeted engagement prior to deciding to use a targeted enhanced rate; and
  • complete a review of each application of targeted enhanced rates to gauge its success and help improve policy and guidance.



Last Updated: 10/11/2015 12:58pm