Introduction |
The investment assurance work programme is put together each year by the Investment Assurance Team of NZ Transport Agency(Planning & Investment).
This page explains how the work programme is put together for assurance monitoring, investment audits, and post implementation reviews. This includes:
Assurance monitoring topic selection |
Assurance monitoring examines specific aspects of planning and investment processes. The Investment Assurance team consults with other parts of NZ Transport Agency(Planning & Investment) each year to identify which activities to target for review. |
Investment audits – entity selection |
The Investment Assurance team aims to complete an investment audit of every approved organisation within each three year National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) cycle.
Around 25 investment audits are done each year, with a proportion of these – around ten – also including a technical review of the road network.
The following criteria are used to select which approved organisations (or NZ Transport Agency(state highways) offices) to audit:
NZ Transport Agency(Planning and Investment) regional and national office staff are consulted as part of the selection process.
All approved organisations are notified by general circular at the beginning of the financial year of the finalised work programme of investment audits.
An auditor will contact each approved organisation in the finalised programme 4-6 weeks ahead of a planned audit to arrange a visit date and request that certain information is made available for the audit. |
Post implementation reviews – project/package selection |
A sample of post implementation reviews are done each year selected from funded activities/programmes/packages that have been substantially complete for at least two years. This makes it more likely meaningful assessment of how well they have achieved their expected benefits can be done.
Other factors taken into consideration when selecting activities/programmes/packages for review include:
Current work programme |
Approved Organisations and NZ Transport Agency(state highways) are notified of the finalised investment assurance work programme by general circular at the beginning of each financial year. |
Last Updated: 22/04/2016 1:02pm
The new look P&I Knowledge Base has been launched on the NZTA website.
Available sections are:
Remaining sections are being updated to reflect the Transport Agency reorganisation and will be available soon.
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