Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Review programme in response to RLTP consultation and NZTA negotiations – overview



This section covers Approved Organisations’ and the NZTA’s (state highways) review of their programmes in response to Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. ) consultation and negotiations with NZTA (planning & investment).


Overview information

Approved Organisations and the NZTA (state highways) may review and amend their programmes, following:

  • the Regional Transport Committee’s (RTC A regional transport committee established under section 105 or clause 11 of schedule 7 of the LTMA. ) public consultation of its draft RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. , which may provide submissions that, upon consideration, would improve the strategic fit, effectiveness and/or efficiency of the programmes, and
  • negotiations with the NZTA (planning & investment) on its investment in terms of programme scope, sequencing and cost.


The reviewed programmes should be resubmitted to the RTC A regional transport committee established under section 105 or clause 11 of schedule 7 of the LTMA. for consideration to include them in the final draft of the RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. .


Last Updated: 04/11/2013 10:30am