Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Walking and cycling activity class - overview



This section provides information, processes and procedures to assist Approved Organisations and the Transport Agency (state highways) in developing walking and cycling activities.



Work category 451: Walking facilities


Work category 452: Cycling facilities


Process expectations


Urban Cycleway Programme


NZ Cycle Trails and the NLTP


Developing a programme

To be considered for funding, Approved Organisations and the Transport Agency (state highways ) must develop activities for inclusion and prioritisation within a Regional Land Transport Plan.  Land transport programmes must take into account regional priorities and the strategic environment.


Work categories

The work categories are:

  • Work category 451:  Walking facilities
  • Work category 452:  Cycling facilities


To qualify, the facilities must:

  • form part of a transport network, and;
  • integrate walking and cycling with other transport modes, and;
  • be identified either specifically or generically within a supported Strategic Case or Programme Business case, or equivalent, and;
  • induce higher numbers of pedestrians and cyclists (or reduce the rate of decline), or;
  • improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.



Information on the assessment of activities and Transport Agency priorities can be found in the Investment Assessment Framework.



The following guidelines provide assistance:

Transport Agency, Cycle network and route planning guide.

Transport Agency, Pedestrian planning and design guide.



Last Updated: 01/09/2017 4:39pm