Introduction |
Approved Organisations need to provide evidence to support their Transport Investment Online programme proposals. This evidence should demonstrate that the public transport network and any proposed investment on the network, in the public transport programme and any public transport service improvements, will provide an optimised solution.
This page relates to the 2012-15 NLTP A National Land Transport Programme Interrelated and complementary combination of activities that, when delivered in a coordinated manner, produce synergies – can span more than one work category and more than one activity class, e.g. a programme could include a road improvement and public transport improvement activities. adopted by the NZTA under section 19 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied only. For the latest information, please see the Public Transport Activity Class for the 2015-18 NLTP. |
Supporting information required |
The following supporting information is required and should be referenced in the Transport Investment Online application.
Note – the LTP Long-term council plan in accordance with section 93 of the Local Government Act 2002. and RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. may be uploaded to Transport Investment Online as common supporting documents, which enables them to be referenced from multiple applications. |
Terms and conditions of NLTP A National Land Transport Programme Interrelated and complementary combination of activities that, when delivered in a coordinated manner, produce synergies – can span more than one work category and more than one activity class, e.g. a programme could include a road improvement and public transport improvement activities. adopted by the NZTA under section 19 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied investment |
The NZTA may impose terms and conditions on all or part of the approved public transport programme for a particular financial year, including where either:
The terms and conditions will need to be satisfied prior to the start of the relevant financial year. |
Ten-year budgets |
All AOs must submit details of their public transport programme for the next 10 years as part of their Transport Investment Online application. |
Last Updated: 21/02/2017 4:49pm
The new look P&I Knowledge Base has been launched on the NZTA website.
Available sections are:
Remaining sections are being updated to reflect the Transport Agency reorganisation and will be available soon.
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