Further guidance
Further guidance in the development of a transport programme, includes:
- Understand GPS A Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding issued under section 86 of the LTMA , national, regional and local priorities
- Consider local transport system issues and opportunities
- Identify critical knowledge gaps and the need for studies, strategies and plan improvements
- Consider appropriate types of intervention and their contribution to priorities
- Consider early investment signals including likely funding availability
- Develop list of activities and combinations of activities that link to identified intervention types
- Consider relative value of activities and combinations of activities – where appropriate use assessment profile The three-part rating for an activity, rated as high, medium or low e.g. HMM, and representing the assessment for Strategic Fit, Effectiveness, and Benefit and Cost Appraisal respectively. to assist ranking (as NZTA will be doing for the NLTP A National Land Transport Programme Interrelated and complementary combination of activities that, when delivered in a coordinated manner, produce synergies – can span more than one work category and more than one activity class, e.g. a programme could include a road improvement and public transport improvement activities. adopted by the NZTA under section 19 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied prioritisation)
- Consider how the activities fit with strategies, packages and plans, and how this will be reflected in Transport Investment Online
- Focus on higher priority activities as assessed using the assessment framework
- Consider R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds. availability (ceases 2015/16), which may influence the funding threshold in some regions:
- Gisborne – likely that all improvement projects in 2012-15 will be funded from R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds. and that the funding threshold may be relatively low
- Hawkes Bay – highest priority projects from remaining R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds.
- Taranaki – highest priority projects from remaining R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds.
- Manawatu-Wanganui – highest priority projects from remaining R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds.
- Nelson - likely that most improvement projects in 2012-15 will be funded from R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds. and funding threshold may be relatively low depending on quality of identified projects
- West Coast - highest priority projects from remaining R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds. – funding threshold may be relatively low
- Otago – highest priority projects from limited remaining R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds.
- Southland – likely that most improvement projects in 2012-15 will be funded from R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds. and funding threshold may be relatively low
- Input most appropriate activities and combinations of activities in Transport Investment Online as draft items
- Ensure mandatory information is provided in Transport Investment Online and is checked for completeness and eligibility
- Develop 10 year expenditure forecasts by activity class in Transport Investment Online.
- Finalise programme and submit to RTC A regional transport committee established under section 105 or clause 11 of schedule 7 of the LTMA.