Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Provide guidance on national planning and investment priorities - guidance


National planning and investment priorities - guidance

The NZTA will provide planning and investment partners with a clear picture of the position from which to approach long-term integrated planning For the NZTA, integrated planning means leading and working with central, regional and local government, private developers and other partners such as Kiwi Rail and port companies, to bring land use planning, and transport planning and investment together, to deliver an affordable Demonstrates that adequate funding to deliver the activity, or combination of activities, is available from identified sources, e.g. a funding plan has been identified. transport system that supports a growing economy, safe and vibrant communities and a healthy environment, now and in the future. It is an approach we follow to deliver on the outcomes we seek. for the land transport system, across modes and regions.


This will be shown visually in map form, as follows:

  • priority areas for planning and investment
  • opportunities for inter-regional and national collaboration
  • key inter-regional transport issues
  • locations of supported sub-regional strategies and endorsed packages, and
  • gaps in knowledge.

Last Updated: 28/06/2012 1:58pm