Introduction |
This work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:
Principles and conditions, where relevant, may be applied to other activity classes |
The principles and conditions of property purchase for state highways set out below may be applied to other activities classes, e.g. public transport improvements, walking and cycling improvements, where the Transport Agency has agreed that it will assist the funding for property purchased for land transport purposes prior to it approving funding for the construction/implementation of a project.
Property purchase for other activity classes will be funded under the same work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:
Examples of qualifying activities |
Examples of qualifying activities include, but may not be limited to:
Other potential activities not shown above should be discussed with the Transport Agency for eligibility. |
Conditions |
Conditions include:
Funding assistance rate |
The usual funding assistance rate is:
Last Updated: 11/08/2016 3:03pm
The new look P&I Knowledge Base has been launched on the NZTA website.
Available sections are:
Remaining sections are being updated to reflect the Transport Agency reorganisation and will be available soon.
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