Introduction |
This section provides information regarding processes and procedures for SuperGold card concession payments for off peak public transport for SuperGold card holders. This activity is funded by Crown appropriation outside of the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF The fund established under section 10 of the LTMA ), separate from the public transport activity class and is managed by the Transport Agency on behalf of the Ministry of Transport (MoT ).
MoT is responsible for developing and reviewing SuperGold card concession policy, including eligibility of services for the scheme, and for setting overall funding levels. |
Work categories |
This activity consists of the following work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:
Examples of qualifying activities |
Examples of qualifying activities are:
Exclusions |
This work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:
Applying for funding approval |
Applications for funding approval should be made through the Improvement activity module in Transport Investment Online (TIO The NZTA's web-based funding allocation system. ). |
Monthly claiming and reporting |
Close monitoring is required of monthly SuperGold patronage and the expenditure. Approved Organisations must provide monthly patronage reports to support claims made via Transport Investment Online. |
Variations |
Any new services, or variations to existing services, must be formally agreed by the Approved Organisation and the Transport Agency in an updated MoU before any variation to payment can be made.
Any errors made in relation to monthly claims should be notified to the relevant Transport Agency regional office as soon as the discrepancy is confirmed.
Any variations received outside of the current financial year will not be accepted. |
Last Updated: 20/11/2014 1:06pm
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