Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Work category 171: Financial grants



This work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:

* activity class 12 – local road improvements
* activity class 13 – state highways improvements
provides for grants to Approved Organisations at the Transport Agency's discretion.


Examples of qualifying activities

Examples of qualifying activity include:

  • a grant made to enable a transition of the funding assistance from the state highway’s rate to the Approved Organisation’s base rate of funding assistance.


Funding assistance rate

The usual funding assistance rate is:

  • 100% of the grant.


Applying for funding approval

Applications for funding approval should be made through the Improvements activity module in Transport Investment Online (TIO The NZTA's web-based funding allocation system. ).


Last Updated: 20/11/2014 12:40pm